But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. (Mark 4:32 KJV)

Who are we ?

The Advocates publication is more than a Christian Magazine. They are books within a book, revealing the law of God’s word from the 66 books in the Bible. It is upon the preponderance of evidence that the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is established. We have differentiated ourselves from other publications, and raised the bar of excellence and publication, guaranteeing its success. 

Our Mission

It is the agreement of God’s ministers to answer the Macedonian call and to publish. The Advocates Magazine is the platform, and the vehicle to drive this vision forward and through publishing of the truth, return the people in our community and this nation back to God.

Recent Issues

The Advocates Magazine


Witness Darius


To travel is your God given right, it’s scriptural and is based on the doctrine of Jesus Christ, “the silver is mine, the gold is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills are mine also”. Everything that we own, everything created, the nations, the seas belongs to God.

By strength of our numbers, we have purchasing power and have secured exclusive deals online through brokers, and have passed these savings onto you. The commission: be fruitful and multiply; the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God. The Lord gave us dominion over the whole earth and said be fruitful and multiply.

This was a prophetic message that you would go and make disciples of men. Therefore, travel and enjoy all that the lord has created. Share the testimonies of the Advocates, travel far and wide sharing the Word of God , enjoy all that God created, the wonders of the world are yours to explore.

Witness Darius, Chairman 

Travel Incentives

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Click and collect your £100 reward gift travel voucher to any of the top 50 vacation spots in the world. These include flights, Christian Cruises and outstanding resorts. All are free to apply.  

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